Welcome Back!!

Get ready for another exciting and inspirational year.


Did you Miss Open House or Need a Review? No Problem! Check out the videos below.

- Introduction to Web Design, Open House Video

- Adv. Web Design I & II, Open House Video


The Internet is a constantly changing tool which provides students with the world at their fingertips. Ten years ago, most people could not even imagine the impact that technology would have on our society and the world as a whole. The rapid growth of technology is changing the way we communicate our thoughts and ideas in the classroom and beyond. It is my desire and I feel that it is my responsibility to help students and teachers understand how technology can be used as a tool to enhance learning in the classroom and student's experience in the work force.


The boundaries for technology are continuously expanding within the Natick Public School system and many schools through out the country. Students are becoming computer literate and proficient at very young ages. With the focus today on technology advancement in our society and world, early computer proficiency is a necessity for our students. In my classes I will challenge my student's basic knowledge of computer systems and bring their skills to the next level. Please use this website as a guide and tool to follow the curriculum being covered in Intro to Web design, Advance Web Design I and II.



Students please visit this site frequently to check-in on classroom and homework projects. All timelines and rubrics will be posted to this site. This site will be updated weekly and I encourage you to share it with your parents, family members, peers and classmates.


Use your time on this site and in my classroom as an opportunity to LEARN, GROW, EXPLORE and SHARE. You may also visit www.natickhighwebdesign.com for more student work.


Room 201
Natick High, Media Arts

Office Hours:
Every Blue Day, 2:20 - 3:20

& Upon Request

- Teacher Schedule Fall Semester, 2018


- Submit Job Request for Natick High Web Design Team



Follow me @LoriCullen19 for the latest and update to trends connected with Media Arts, Technology, Education and all the fun material in between.


For Professionals: Create an Adobe Education Exchange account and follow me for lesson plans, rubrics, exams & syllabi. @Lori Cullen


All resources posted are this Website are open source and availalbe to use for all professionals just please remember to provide credit to the creator.